1. We provide expertise in the UAS rulemaking and the applicable standards and we find the right regulatory solution for your UAS operation.
2. We support companies to elaborate SORA and LUC applications for operations in the specific category.
3. We support companies in compliance and help to stay compliant over time and facilitate audits.
4. We assist companies that need to identify how to undergo the Design Verification process from EASA.
Nathanel APTER
Type of structure : SME (<250 people)
Turnover : < 500 k€
Inspection :
Industrial site inspection :
Civil security :
Natural disasters :
Human - society risks :
Infrastructure risks :
1. We give SORA applied trainings for personnel interested to acquire this skill and to use it in practice.
2. We give you clear solutions on how to obtain an operational authorisation to fly your UAS in the specific category.
3. We are involved in JARUS, ASD-STAN and ASTM to ensure that you always keep up to date with the latest standards and regulatory developments